Home Cooks Are Sharing The Common Recipe Steps They Always, Always Skip

"Adding garlic and onion at the same time. That's just a recipe for burnt garlic."
"I don't wait for the oven to preheat. I especially love to make bacon this way. I put the tray into the cold oven and then turn it on. My bacon comes out perfect every time."
"I rarely properly measure dried spices. Measuring ingredients, in general, has never been my strongest suit. For any of the spices I use, while cooking a dish, a teaspoon is just a bit in my palm, a tablespoon is more than that, and anything less than a teaspoon is just a pinch. People always rave about 'how well-seasoned' my food tastes."
"So many soup, sauce, or casserole recipes say to add garlic early on, usually at the same time as carrots and onions, which take longer to soften. I always add it later and add at least double the suggested amount. It's so much more flavourful."
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