Startups Weekly: Musk raises $6B for AI and the fintech dominoes are falling | TechCrunch

In a twist that shocks absolutely no one and thrills pyromaniacs who love seeing money burn, Elon Musk's newest venture, xAI, has snagged a casual $6 billion in funding... with Musk spinning the wheel.
Today is your last day to save up to $800 on your Disrupt pass. Ivan ponders whether Musk's latest market stab will finally bring us an AI so advanced, our puny human brains will be even more obsolete...
What makes this particularly nuts is that the $6 billion bonanza is just the latest chapter in Musk's epic saga of "how to get the world to fund my sci-fi fantasies." The more stories that come out about Musk, the more you'd think people would start to hesitate before investing...
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