Putin and Kim Jong Un's new alliance is proving to be a win-win

Analysts point out that with North Korea supplying millions of artillery shells to Russia, the sustainability of Russia's war of attrition in Ukraine is significantly enhanced. This partnership allows Russia to endure the conflict for an extended period, potentially leading to a significant shift in the balance of power in the ongoing war. As Ukraine's allies struggle to provide munitions, North Korea's supply chain puts Russia in a better position to maintain its military efforts.
Jacob Parakilas from RAND Europe notes, 'While in most respects the DPRK lags behind NATO states in military technology, mass production of artillery shell ammunition doesn't require sophistication. North Korea has long been preparing for potential conflict.' This insight reveals how North Korea's historical preparations for an existential struggle with the US allow it to leverage its resources more effectively in the current geopolitical landscape.
The alliance is a double-edged sword for both nations; while North Korea solidifies its status as a critical supplier of artillery to Russia, it also risks further isolation and scrutiny on the global stage. Nonetheless, the technological exchange that North Korea is purportedly receiving in return may enable it to enhance its military capabilities, arguably balancing the risks and benefits of this new partnership.
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