Students at University of Florida Continue Encampment Despite Arrests. University Says It Is Not a Daycare'

The University of Florida declared that it is not a daycare, in response to the arrests of anti-genocide campus protestors. Nine students were arrested... Charges against students varied from failure to obey a lawful command, resisting without violence, to trespassing after warning.
For many days, we have patiently told protesters many of whom are outside agitators that they were able to exercise their right to free speech and free assembly, said Steve Orlando, a spokesperson for the University of Florida, in a statement. For days UPD patiently and consistently reiterated the rules. Today, individuals who refused to comply were arrested after UPD gave multiple warnings and multiple opportunities to comply.
The university's Division of Student Life shared a list of prohibited items and activities, which includes: no sleeping, no amplified sound, no unmanned signs, no building structuresmeaning chairs, tables, benches, etc. are not allowed, no camping, no pillow, no tents, no sleeping bags, etc.
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