Penn Donors Push Out President, Continue Whistling Past The Professor Bringing White Nationalists To Campus

President Liz Magill resigned amid intense pressure from donors after a media storm characterized her congressional testimony - that statements "calling for the genocide of Jews" do not automatically violate the school's code of conduct - as supporting hate.
To be clear, Magill's answers were entirely accurate. Representative Elise Stefanik asked if "calling for the genocide of Jews" would violate Penn's code of conduct... Magill responded that, if the statement was leveled as bullying or harassment, the answer is "yes."
Meanwhile, these donors so deeply offended by Magill's explanation that university policy can only punish speech once it has moved to some form of discriminatory action have gleefully forked over money for all the years and years that Amy Wax denigrated students, attended white nationalism con.
Read at Above the Law