New York's educrats can't educate - now they want to hide it by ditching Regents exams

That is the proposal the New York State Education Department just presented to the Board of Regents: To graduate from high school, students would no longer need to pass five Regents exams but could demonstrate their 'learning' through alternative 'assessments'.
What's amazing is that it took a 64-member Blue Ribbon Commission more than a year to come up with this brilliant, groundbreaking innovation in education: Just dumb down standards, give everyone a shiny diploma, and we can congratulate ourselves for 'improving outcomes'.
Educrats are not fooling anyone. Not in creating watered-down 'pathways' to graduation, not in merging distinct diploma types that document different levels of academic achievement into a single diploma that hides the dumbing down, despite any added pretty 'seals and endorsements,' not in painting profusely that 'equity' lipstick on a dumbed-down-diploma pig.
Read at New York Post