Blackhawk helicopter makes a special visit to San Jose school

Since the school opened in 1959, it's safe to say only birds, kites and maybe drones have landed on our field, said Sartorette Elementary School Principal Debbie Stein, but never a Blackhawk military helicopter. But that's exactly what happened just after 1 p.m. Friday, as more than 300 Sartorette students, faculty, and parents watched the dark green chopper approach the Cambrian Park school from the south and land on its field to cheers.
Sartorette is piloting the DARE program for Cambrian School District, so for the past 10 weeks, fifth-grade students have gotten weekly visits from two members of the National Guard who talked to them about ways to avoid drugs and lead healthier lifestyles. Stein first heard a helicopter visit was a possibility last fall and worked for months with the National Guard to make it happen.
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