U.K. publishers and the ICO still grapple with offering a 'reject all' cookies option amid revenue concerns

In November, some of the top publishers by traffic in the U.K. were alerted by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the legislative department tasked with upholding data privacy compliance in the U.K., that their on-site cookie consent pop-ups do not meet the requirements set by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Jo Holdaway, chief data and marketing officer at The Independent, said that based on tests where the 'reject all' option was added, non-consent rates increased by about 20%, which 'materially affects our monetization capabilities.' But based on additional modeling, she said it's possible that those rates will increase even further, up to 40-50% industry wide. She did not provide exact rates.
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