Why "Stealth Shopping" Could Be Putting Your Finances And Relationship At Risk

"Speak openly with your partner about your finances to figure out how you can align your goals and budget," Woroch said. "People enjoy different things, so how you spend or what you buy shouldn't be the issue as long as you are following a budget and reaching your savings goals, or other goals like paying down debt."
"I recommend that couples who share finances agree on a spending limit for purchases outside of what's budgeted," Burrets said. "This offers each partner a degree of financial freedom that is healthy. And for purchases larger than the agreed-upon amount, make it a rule to discuss those purchases together."
"If shopping is used as a coping mechanism and you find yourself overspending, confide in your partner and ask for help and accountability," Burrets urged. "Sharing vulnerable and difficult feelings is the antidote to shame, and results in increased intimacy in healthy relationships. Together or on your own, speaking with a professional can help address underlying emotional needs that are being met by unwise spending."
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