Swish, Spit, Repeat: Is Oil Pulling Good for Your Teeth?

Some dental professionals are skeptical. There is no scientific proof of any benefits of oil pulling, said Dr. Parul Dua Makkar, a dentist in Jericho, N.Y. I don't recommend it at all.
In theory, the viscous properties of oil could coat the surfaces of the mouth, preventing bacteria from adhering and growing there, said Dr. Deborah Foyle, a periodontist at Texas A&M University School of Dentistry.
The antioxidant properties of the oil could also hypothetically interact with bad bacteria in ways that could slow their growth and reduce gum inflammation.
In a 2022 analysis of nine small clinical trials, researchers concluded that oil pulling could help reduce the bacteria in the mouth, but that it does not reduce plaque, gum redness, inflammation or bleeding.
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