Apple rejects PC emulators on the iOS App Store

They have decided that iDOS is not a retro game console, so the new rule is not applicable... It's still the same old unreasonable answer along the line of 'we know it when we see it.'
the App Store review board determin[ing] that 'PC is not a console' regardless of the fact that there are retro Windows/DOS games for the PC that UTM SE can be useful in running...
The April revision of Rule 4.7 in Apple's App Review Guidelines is very specifically worded so that 'retro game console emulator apps can offer to download games... Emulating a more generalized PC operating system falls outside the letter of this regulation...
Since that narrow exception doesn't apply to classic PC emulators, they end up falling afoul of Apple's Rule 2.5.2...
Read at Ars Technica