18 People Who Got Swindled In Real Life Told Us Exactly How They Got Scammed

I fell for a phone scam where they call pretending to be from your phone company, ask if you'd like to upgrade, and then send a different phone from the one you've agreed upon and ask you to forward it to the 'real' intended recipient. Thankfully, I realized before it cost me any real money, but my phone company told me the scammers might've hacked into my phone.
The worst part was that every text and call from the scammers said it was from my phone company, so I'll never again trust contact from what may or may not be the actual company.
When I asked my phone company's fraud department how scammers can do this, they acknowledged it but said they were unsure. I naively thought this kind of scam only happened to older people. Afterward, people told me that your phone company would never really call with offers.
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