Announcing Graal Cloud Native 4.2.1

Graal Cloud Native (GCN) is an Oracle build of the open source Micronaut framework. GCN provides a curated set of Micronaut framework modules that simplify cloud application development, are designed to be compiled ahead-of-time with GraalVM Native Image, and are fully supported by Oracle. GCN enables you to easily build portable cloud native Java microservices that start instantly and use fewer resources to reduce compute costs.
GCN modules provide platform-independent API's and libraries for a set of core public cloud services, including Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Amazon Web Services. GCN 4.2.1 modules have also been designed, integrated and tested with Google Cloud Platform services such as Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL for MySQL, Secrets Manager, Identity with OpenID Connect, Cloud Logging, Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Trace, Google Kubernetes Engine, and more. Now you can easily build, deploy and operate Java applications on Google Cloud Platform. Moreover, you can write Java applications once and run them on any supported public cloud - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform - and thus avoid cloud vendor lock-in.
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