AIAIAI UNIT-4 Wireless Studio Monitors Liberate Music Making

But with the evolution of individual artists producing their own music from their own homes (i.e. Soundcloud musicians), monitors have become more commonly found in bedrooms and home studios.
Swedish audio specialists designed the UNIT-4 monitors to cater to these homegrown music creators, a new generation who might benefit from speakers they can lean into while fine-tuning their tracks, but can also be taken out into the wild wirelessly to share the fruits of their labor.
Typically, monitors are designed to be placed closely to the listener allowing them to discern the most intricate details of tracks, and are not moved around often, if at all. On the other hand, the UNIT 4s are a fraction of the size, and are much easier to pick and go thanks to the monitor's bass vent doubling up as a carrying grip.
Read at Design Milk