Actual working Pokedex uses ChatGPT to identify Pokemon... and you can build one too - Yanko Design

This Pokédex works surprisingly like the original. Relying on the powers of ChatGPT to identify imagery captured through a rather basic camera setup, Abe's Pokédex does a fairly good job of replicating the experience of the original from the hit TV series and comic book. Abe even encased his electronics in a wonderfully nostalgic red 3D-printed enclosure, making it resemble the original Pokédex to an uncanny degree... and if that wasn't enough, he even programmed the Pokédex to speak just like the original, with a computer-ish robotic voice.
The process, although fairly complicated, gets detailed out by Abe in the YouTube video. One of his admittedly harder builds, Abe mentions the first conundrum - planning the exterior and interior. The problem - you can't 3D model an outer shape without knowing where your inner components are going to sit, and you can't know where your inner components are going to sit without planning out your outer shell. Nevertheless, Abe designed a rudimentary framework featuring an outer shell, a few removable components (like the bezel for the screen and buttons), and a flap that 'opens' your Pokédex.
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