7 Data Science & AI Trends That Will Define 2024

Well, I'm going to try again anyway. After attending multiple conferences this year, speaking with dozens if not hundreds of data scientists over the year, writing dozens of articles, and reading too many blogs and news pieces, here are my thoughts on what trends will define the AI landscape in 2024.
Just as the internet was a force to be reckoned with 20 years ago, it's now AI's time to shine, and I believe it won't be as much of a surprise to see AI-generated content in 2024. It'll just be the new norm. More and more tools will become open-source, meaning fewer paywalls or subscriptions will be required to use AI.
However, with increased use, comes increased pressure by the public. Comments flood every new fanart posted online asking if it's AI or not, sites are putting disclaimers on AI-generated content, and ethical concerns are being raised about the impact of AI on privacy and society. As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, the public will demand transparency, accountability, and responsibility from AI developers and users.
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