Winterize Your Cocktails With Pine Syrup

"Pine also goes well with cucumber," says Cho. "Both of them have a nice refreshing quality." And anytime she is using her quick-method pine syrup in a mixed drink, Cho includes a citrus element, like yuzu or the aforementioned sudachi. "Citrus acidity also complements very well with pine needle."
The key to ending up with a pine syrup that expresses aromas evocative of a high-elevation forest stroll, according to Cho, is to forage from trees where there is good air quality, in areas that undergo a cold winter, and to do so in spring, when there's new tree growth. More mature needles (and those from trees in warmer climates) tend to produce a woodier, less characteristic flavor. But for an off-season workaround, using pine needle tea (available online) as the base for a simple syrup is a fast track to adding that alpine fla
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