Shake Up Your Whisky Sour Game

The Whisky Sour has its roots in the British navy, where sailors mixed spirits with citrus juice to fight off scurvy and malnutrition during long voyages, evolving to include sweeteners and egg whites for texture.
The Whisky Sour is a favorite cocktail due to its straightforward and classic construction that can be customized based on the season, occasion, mood, or drinker's preferences, with room to play around the variety of citrus fruits available.
Crown Royal is recommended for a rich and smooth base in a Whisky Sour, with its hints of vanilla, oak tannin, and sun-dried fruits providing a stunning flavor partner for creative tweaks.
Enhance the Whisky Sour by incorporating summer fruits like blackberries, both fresh and in preserve, along with lime juice and orange to add a refreshing twist to the drink.
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