Brighton draw could prove a valuable point for Newcastle, says Howe - Soccer News

Newcastle signed off from St James' Park this season with a 100 per cent record of scoring in every home game this season - the first time they have achieved that feat in the Premier League era.
Eddie Howe told BBC Sport after the match: 'If you're not going to win the game, the draw for us is really important... I don't think we hit the heights we needed to win it but, if anyone was going to, I thought it would be us.'
'It was a poor goal [to concede] from us. We did start well and were progressive. Out of nothing, they take the lead... there probably weren't enough clear-cut chances.'
'Without a doubt the scene, the environment created by the supporters [has contributed to good home record]... This season the crowd have taken it to another level. They have made this place a really difficult place to play.'
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