People Revealed Their Intense Relationships With Narcissists, And They're Unfortunately Eye-Opening

"I was with my ex for almost two years before I got out. He would lie, cheat, gaslight, and manipulate. He'd give me the silent treatment every time I did or said something 'wrong.' I paid for most things and drove because he couldn't hold down a job (he believed he was 'above working in certain areas' because he felt he should've been an accomplished musical artist by the time he was 25). He'd go out to dinner with his brother and his brother's girlfriend and talk shit about me - and they made sure I knew it. I heard a lot of, 'You're too sensitive, what are you crying about this time?' He could talk to any and every girl he wanted to, but if I talked to a guy friend at work, I was 'flirting with him' and 'obviously wanted to be with him.'" "One night I just got up in the middle of dinner, said I was not happy, grabbed all of my stuff, and walked out. He stalked me for years afterwards and texted me a few years ago pretending to be an old mutual friend the two of us had. Somehow he's got a wife now."
"My ex started out charming and funny (they all do). Little jokes here and there, which gradually turned into insults all the time. He'd treat me like a maid, mother, and sex object, and he let his friends walk all over me. I was encouraged to stay at home like a 'good little woman,' wasn't allowed to be funny, and he was the center of attention so much that my comics revolved around him (I draw). He would gaslight me, sexually abuse me, and get me blackout drunk - he'd 'have s
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