After the CSU mishandled Title IX, how are they implementing state recommendations?

Since legislation ordered the California State University to change the way it handles Title IX and sexual misconduct across its campuses, the system has adopted initiatives like a new system-wide policies on retreat rights and employment references.
The issue needs to be minimized and eliminated, not just tracked and processed, said Anne Luna, the Capitol president of the California Faculty Association. There must be determination on ensuring these offices and initiatives are 'truly functional and effective,' she explained.
We have learned that adding more administrators at the top does not solve the problem, Luna said. 'The CSU needs to move from being simply compliance driven, to a real commitment to innovate Title IX policy and practice.'
A comprehensive audit last summer found that the California State University system failed to properly handle Title IX-related cases. In the last year, 10 of the 16 audit recommendations have been fully implemented across its campuses.
Read at Sacramento Bee