Calls for increased supports as ESRI report reveals one in five children living in poverty

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) study found that the share of individuals in households unable to afford two or more items from a list of 10 essentials rose from 18pc in 2022 to 20pc last year for those aged under 18.
Poverty is defined differently to deprivation, and means that the household income is less than 60pc of the median, or middle-point, for all households. ESRI researchers said the findings mean there is a strong argument for increased child benefit targeted at low-income families.
Rates of income poverty are particularly high in households where the youngest child is under the age of five. Researchers found a quarter of households with under fives are experiencing poverty.
The rise in the number of children experiencing poverty to 230,000 comes amid a 3pc inflation-adjusted decline in the average disposable income of households with children.
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