NYC Block Overrun With Hookers, Shoplifters 'Getting Worse'

Jesus Diaz, manager of Bravo Supermarket, expressed frustration, saying, "It's getting worse. It used to be when we catch them stealing, they say, 'Oh, I'm sorry, please, I'll never do it again.' Now, they're getting angry. They're trying to punch you, telling you, 'You're going to have a problem,' telling you, 'We're coming back and you're going to have some real trouble.'" This illustrates a significant shift in attitudes among offenders.
Another store owner lamented the change in her neighborhood, stating, "Too much ladies in front of my door. This is not like before. Before it was very clean here." The increasing presence of sex workers clearly underscores the decline in neighborhood safety and cleanliness.
Pharmacist Jenny Leal commented on the negative impact of illegal vendors, saying, "People don't want to come to the pharmacy because of the sidewalks here." Her observations highlight the deterrent effect of crime on local businesses.
A frustrated resident remarked, "I gave up. Look, this is it. They got it, better get used to it." This statement reflects a sense of hopelessness among residents regarding the worsening conditions in their neighborhood.
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