Giant trucks causing chaos on narrow streets of Brooklyn Heights

'My family has lived in this apartment for 50 years,' said Sue, who lives at the intersection of Hicks and Montague. 'We've never experienced anything like this.' The disruption caused by the large delivery truck has turned daily commutes and routines into a nightmare, with the vehicle blocking streets and delaying emergency services.
Neighbors have reported the truck blocking school buses and ambulances. 'No one can turn onto Hicks Street,' Sue expressed. 'A fire truck would have to go three blocks to get around it.' This highlights the severe impact on local traffic and emergency access.
'I called 311 and he said submit videos and pictures. I uploaded them and within ten minutes got an email back saying the case was closed,' Sue lamented, illustrating the frustrations residents feel regarding the city's response to their complaints about the delivery issues.
'It's a safety issue,' a representative from the Brooklyn Heights Association commented, indicating the broader implications of the truck's operations on local safety and community quality of life. Residents' reports stress that the situation impacts not only annoyance but potentially critical access for emergency services.
Read at Brooklyn Eagle