Domino Square opens, transforming Williamsburg waterfront with public plaza and iconic design * Brooklyn Paper

Along the two side streets leading to the river, the built-up structure slopes down to street level. As well as the green roofs, the plaza is surrounded by green areas that are still being landscaped and include plantings of alvia, nepeta, and perovskia.
Benjamin Cadena of Studio Cadena, which, with Field Operations, designed the plaza, said the porous-looking arcade building is meant to bridge the gap between the two residential towers known as One Domino Square and the Refinery, and create a room-like effect for those entering into the public space.
The seating, topped by a green roof, is built into a striking concrete and glass retail arcade that fronts Kent Avenue and will soon house food vendors. Its zigzagging peaks and valleys frame an opening to the plaza from Kent Avenue.
The entryway from Kent Avenue is like "a portal that compresses everything really tightly" and reveals the park, the water, and the view of the city as you enter.
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