'Creatures of the Canal' surface at first annual Gowanus Art Parade * Brooklyn Paper

Legend has it that back in the day, America's most polluted canal was dumping ground for mobsters who met an unfortunate and untimely ending. In the 1950s, a shark accidentally wound up in the Gowanus Canal and met its demise when it became the target of shooting practice for the NYPD.
In 2007, Sludgie, a 12-foot minke whale, took the wrong turn and ended up in the Gowanus, where it died. Sludgie's death, however, wasn't in vain, since it helped inspire the cleanup of the canal.
Thornton, executive director of Arts Gowanus, was excited to see the large crowd wearing fantastical costumes or portable sea creature art that had assembled at the parade's starting point.
Thornton said Arts Gowanus came up with the idea to celebrate artists and the 'wacky' history of the Gowanus Canal. 'We immediately all started laughing, and it's perfect and allows the creative community to come out, wear costumes, and enjoy the summer together,' he said.
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