13 Times Mean Girls Were The Absolute Worst To Their So-Called "Best Friends"

I was friends with her from middle school through college; we were actually roommates for a couple of years. I should have known she was trouble because she was constantly bouncing back and forth with certain friends, being close one minute and then cutting off and fighting the next. One evening, I was sitting on the patio of our apartment, and one of these on-again, off-again friends walked up and asked if she was home. I said yes and let him in, not thinking anything of it. Two minutes later, she was chasing him out and screaming at me, asking how I could let him in when I knew they were fighting. I was so pissed and just exhausted by it all. I couldn't keep up with it anymore. At that moment, I knew it was over. I put major distance between us until our lease was up, and when she asked if I wanted to sign again, it was a hard no. I haven't seen her since.
She hailed 'good communication' in relationships, but whenever she was upset or took any anger out on me, she gave me the silent treatment or intentionally started conversations to then ignore or be snappy towards me. (She later admitted to doing this all intentionally). She later tried to act like this never happened and be 'somewhat friends' without ever apologizing for her actions or caring how it all made me feel.
I had a best friend who I've known since kindergarten and when I look back, she was actually THE bully of my life. It was particularly bad in middle school when there were some days when she went out of her way to make my life hell. One time, she was 'bored' and decided to chew a whole pack of gum only to secretly spit it in my brand new backpack (not just once, but multiple times).
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