Massacres await': Palestinians in Nablus warn of deadly settler attacks

Even though the funeral procession and its planned path were approved by the Israeli army through the Palestinian Authority (PA) side of the District Coordination Office (DCO), it was still attacked, Abdulatheem explained.'We were surprised to find a settler ambush. My car was the first car in the procession - I was in front of the four ambulances carrying the four martyrs,' he recalls. Armed settlers then jumped onto the main road, put burning tyres and blocked our path. We couldn't go forward or back - it was chaos. Then, there was indiscriminate live fire and rocks being thrown at us by the army and settlers, says Abdulatheem, adding that the Israeli soldiers were standing with the settlers and were shooting at us.
Abdulatheem Wadi warns that "settler gangs are attacking hospitals, city councils, homes, agricultural lands and cars," and he fears that there will be more attacks. The Israeli human rights group Yesh Din has reported an increase in settler violence in the West Bank, with 176 incidents documented in 2021, including assaults, damage to property, and harassment.
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