Because Our Skull Has Ears!' MSNBC's Al Sharpton Loses It As Trump VP Hopeful Denies Remarks About Racist Segregation Era

If we are going to talk about the era, Congressman and you name a race-based law, then you cannot take race out of the fact Jim Crow was a law against Black people...look, you were born in Brooklyn. You went down into the South, went to Florida State. You have an interracial marriage, you're the congressman of a district. There's not a Black district. I mean, how can you even live with yourself acting like Jim Crow was a good era, or a better era for Blacks? What happened to you?
And I'm not going to sit here and have you insinuate that against me, because right now you're lying about what I said. I did say Jim Crow. I did reference it. Three times. That's not to say that it was better.
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