EU's AI Act passes last big hurdle on the way to adoption | TechCrunch

Signed! Coreper I Ambassadors confirmed the final compromise text found on the proposal on harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (#AIAct). The AI Act is a milestone, marking the 1st rules for AI in the ๐ŸŒ, aiming to make it safe & in respect of ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ fundamental rights.
The planned regulation sets out a list of prohibited uses of AI (aka unacceptable risk), such as using AI for social scoring; brings in some governance rules for high risk uses (where AI apps might harm health, safety, fundamental rights, environment, democracy and the rule of law) and for the most powerful general purpose/foundational models deemed to pose systemic risks; and applies transparency requirements on apps like AI chatbots. But 'low risk' applications of AI will not be in scope of the law.
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