CISA releases roadmap to guide its AI efforts

The roadmap is divided into five lines of effort for CISA and its parent agency...
The first line of effort states that CISA and DHS will be utilizing AI systems in their business operations, "consistent with the Constitution and all applicable laws and policies."...
Under the second line of effort, CISA plans to assess the state of AI adoption across the government and its other stakeholders and assure the safety of AI systems through efforts like its Secure by Design initiative.
As part of the third line of effort's aim to protect critical infrastructure, CISA will stand up an initiative within the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative and its extension, JCDC.AI, to begin collaborative ventures against threats, vulnerabilities and mitigations that AI systems are exposed to.
The fourth line's objectives aim to establish AI policy positions within CISA and DHS, while ensuring such strategies line up with the rest of the government and international regulations.
Finally, to improve its workforce, CISA intends to both recruit new employees with AI expertise and provide upskill training for existing employees that covers both the technical aspects of AI, as well as l...
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