AI becomes a key audience for corporate communicators

"A lot of it's going to be predictive in terms of who's going to which stakeholder - whether it's a reporter, an influencer or podcaster - and identify who's going to be most interested in this narrative. [AI] can also predict which issues are lurking and which ones might pop up and threaten a brand's reputation."
"You can train generative agents to think like a very specific analyst, NGO or an activist investor - and then we can run simulations and actually test a lot of our communications in a private, closed space. We can even test things as sensitive as earnings material before they go public."
"With everything that companies are putting out there, the biggest audience for that are machines. When all that content gets sucked up by machines, they create content based on it. ... AI has become an intermediary and it [could] be that supreme influencer which shapes public view in the way that historically media or social media influencers have."
Read at Axios