2024 Is the Year of the Generative AI Election

Experts warn that problems like misinformation, scams, and hateful content will be exacerbated by generative AI, despite companies' claim of having control measures in place.
As British journalist Peter Pomerantsev noted, in an ecosystem saturated with AI-generated content, the 'liar's dividend' emerges, making it easier for public figures to dismiss real information as fake, leading to doubt even when the information is true.
While detecting AI-generated content can sometimes be done through confirmation, fact-checking, satire cues, or watermarks, it's acknowledged that these methods likely do not cover the full scope of the issue, with incomplete datasets and a lack of readily available tools for verification.
Despite concerns about AI-generated content fueling misinformation, there are positive applications like deepfakes used in satire, informative chatbots, and personalized campaigns fostering a sense of connection with political representatives.
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