
This is exactly how I feel about the entertainment industry.
2 days ago

Just Between You and Me

Whether it's 15 or 30, 50, 80, or 100 thousand a year, if your sole or primary source of income comes from playing music and/or being in the music industry, you must consider yourself to be beyond lucky.
There are millions of talented people in the world and simply being talented or having put in what you perceive as "enough time" in the music business doesn't and shouldn't, guarantee you a seat at the card table.
The fact is, most of us aren't as good as we think we are and even if we are, it almost always doesn't matter.
All you can do is hold yourself, your work and the words you share accountable and perhaps consider being a little more objective in how you view yourself within the fickle landscape of modern music and media.Your art and expression can remain meaningful and fulfilling without accolades.
Some folks have had it a lot harder and face much greater obstacles on their way up the chain than you or I can imagine.Fighting stereotype, sexism, racism.
Silencing their ego to stay on-course, focused on what it really takes to follow their dreams and then creating a space in our collective hearts for their artistry.
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