
@scottjshapiro Like this. Twitter Files, by design, obscures what they're really wailing about. Turns out Taibbi gave House testimony to complain, in part, that EIP counted how big the Big Lie was, w/o affecting its dissemination in real time.

Left-wing politics

Matt Taibbi Is Furious that Election Integrity Project Documented How Big Trump's Big Lie Was - emptywheel
As you've no doubt heard, #MattyDickPics Taibbi went on Mehdi Hasan's show yesterday and got called out for his false claims."Well, that, then, is an error."-@mtaibbi, confronted with previously unacknowledged mistakes in his Twitter Files reporting, by @mehdirhasan.Watch the full conversation later tonight: https://t.co/WI2GDlekQP
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