
Tony La Russa sizes up World Series' matchup, works on new pet project https://t.co/Edkn7olXDA

LA Dodgers

Tony La Russa sizes up World Series' matchup, works on new pet project
Tony La Russa acknowledges the heightened pressure faced by both the Yankees and Dodgers in the World Series, emphasizing that both teams have significant expectations this year.
La Russa reflects on his experience, highlighting that while he has enjoyed seasons of success, he understands the disappointment that comes with losing, especially at high-stakes moments like the World Series.
La Russa expresses his excitement for the World Series matchup, noting that it's a match-up that will engage fans and suggests that this postseason has been particularly exciting.
Aside from his insights on baseball, La Russa is also focusing on charitable efforts, including a unique initiative for veterans that involves aiding their care for service dogs.
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