
“The Most Secret Memory of Men is of a different scope and caliber than any of Sarr’s earlier work. It is a tour de force, an all-in bet at that table of ‘literary mythos.’” —@ursulind https://t.co/8UP9SX4hQc


The New York Review of Books
The Ghost in the Labyrinth | Ursula Lindsey
"Don't ever fall into the trap of wanting to say what a book that you think is great is about. It's a trap set for you by the general consensus. People want a book to necessarily be about something. The truth, Diégane, is that only a mediocre or bad or ordinary book is about something."
The book she has not been able to keep herself from writing is entitled Love Is a Cocoa Bean, and Diégane considers it not just 'soporific and dull' but 'a methodical negation of the very idea of literature.'
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