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2 months ago

sbt 1.10.0-RC2

sbt 1.10.0-RC2 introduces SIP-51 Support for Scala 2.13 Evolution and new Zinc fixes. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

I'm a dietitian - fight the flu, colds with these 10 immune-boosting recipes

Consuming key nutrients and proteins can help improve immune health and ward off seasonal illness.
Beef is a top source of zinc, which plays a key role in immune function. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 week ago
Alternative medicine

7 Foods That Are Good for Your Eye Health

Eating nutrient-rich foods is crucial for eye health, with specific benefits including vitamin A for low-light vision, zinc for retina health, antioxidants for macular degeneration prevention, omega-3 for dry eyes, and vitamin C for eye protection. [ more ]
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