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3 weeks ago

Axios Finish Line: Why more people are running marathons

Marathon running is democratized and embraced by younger generations as a life milestone. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

After KateGate, the royal PR maxim 'never complain, never explain' has got to go

The saying 'never complain, never explain' is ineffective in today's digital age and fails to resonate with younger generations.
Recent PR mishaps within the royal family, particularly surrounding Kate Middleton, highlight the importance of transparency and effective communication strategies. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

India: Why are younger generations so stressed? DW 01/29/2024

Younger generations in India are experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety compared to older generations.
Climate anxiety is a growing concern for young Indians who have grown up with the threat of climate change. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
5 months ago
Digital life

Speaking Freely: Dr. Carolina Are

Dr. Carolina Are discusses the impact of platform censorship on sex workers and activist communities.
She emphasizes the need for systemic change in content moderation and highlights hope in younger generations. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

A study confirms that the younger generations have poorer mental health

Study shows decline in mental health among younger population groups
Poor mental health more common among those born in the 1990s and 1980s
Similar trends observed in other countries [ more ]
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