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The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

'The city's grind can be hell, but it's an Edenic garden of inspiration': young artists on why they are sticking it out in New York

Struggles of a young artist in New York. Huang stopped art due to financial challenges but resumed during the pandemic, showcasing his work. [ more ]
2 months ago

Palette to paycheck: the Lagos gallery helping children make a living from their art

Young artist in Nigeria sells paintings to support his future dreams
The Children's Art Gallery in Lagos empowers young artists from low-income families [ more ]
Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
3 months ago
Silicon Valley

Ayo Brame in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly

Ayo Brame aims to elevate jazz to new heights through traditional forms with unexpected fluidity.
Brame demonstrates courage by choosing the hard path towards mastery, showcasing a rare talent on the verge of greatness. [ more ]
Design Milk
3 months ago

Alf Barbel Wit Proves Creative Talent Is Not Limited To Age

Age is not a barrier to creativity and talent
Alf Bärbel Wit's rug collection for Moooi Carpets showcases his intricate and playful art [ more ]
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