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2 weeks ago
Europe news

As Europe's power shrinks, its fear is growing and the result is huge mistakes | Nathalie Tocci

Europe is facing challenges adapting to a changing world, needing radical changes in self-perception and operations to survive. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 year ago

Analysis | How Turkey Tries Balancing East and West as War Rages

Starting in the 1940s, Turkey, wary of Moscow, positioned itself as an ally of Washington and soon after joined NATO, the military alliance founded to protect Europe against Soviet attack during the Cold War.
11 months ago
Independent films

'The Diplomat': Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell on Building Their Relationship Through Sweat and Panic

Some shows are action-packed.Others are laugh-a-minute." The Diplomat " is talk, talk, talk - and then a little more chatter."The first reaction to reading that much dialogue and diplomatic speak was only panic," Keri Russell said, recalling her initial impression of "The Diplomat" pilot.
1 year ago
World politics

Japan's Prime Minister Becomes Last G7 Leader to Visit Ukraine

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan was making an unannounced visit to Ukraine on Tuesday to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky, becoming the last leader of the Group of 7 nations to go to the country as he seeks a more active role for Japan in international affairs.Russia's invasion of Ukraine has galvanized Japan's foreign and defense policy, stoking concerns about the costs of geopolitical instability.
1 year ago
UK news

MPs to visit Taiwan amid heightened tensions

MPs on a prominent Commons committee are visiting Taiwan from Tuesday and will meet dignitaries over the next few days amid strained UK relations with China.The Foreign Affairs Committee said its members will be on the island, which China claims as its territory, until Saturday.It follows heightened tensions between the West and Beijing over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to the self-ruling island in August.
1 year ago
UK news

UK summons Chinese ambassador over unacceptable' arrest of BBC journalist

China's ambassador to the UK has been summoned to the Foreign Office amid a diplomatic row over the arrest and alleged beating of a BBC journalist covering Covid protests in Shanghai, according to a UK Government source.Zheng Zeguang has been called by Foreign Secretary James Cleverly over the treatment of cameraman Edward Lawrence, who the BBC said was beaten and kicked by police in the Chinese city.
1 year ago
UK news

Sunak says golden era' of China ties is over - follow live

Close Rishi Sunak warns against simplistic Cold War rhetoric' on China at Lord Mayor's Banquet Rishi Sunak declared that the UK's "golden era" of ties with China was over as he described Beijing's move towards even greater authoritarianism as a "systemic challenge to our values and interests.
BBC News
1 year ago
UK politics

Rishi Sunak: Golden era of UK-China relations is over

Rishi Sunak has said the so-called "golden era" of relations with China is over, as he vowed to "evolve" the UK's stance towards the country.In his first foreign policy speech, the PM said the closer economic ties of the previous decade had been "naïve".He said the UK now needed to replace wishful thinking with "robust pragmatism" towards competitors.
1 year ago
Europe news

Belarus president and firm Russia ally Lukashenko to visit China

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko's visit to Beijing comes as China's relations with the US have plummeted.Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has praised China's predominant role in world affairs saying that no one could contain its growth and no problem in the world can be resolved without Beijing's input.
1 year ago
Europe news

For Russia's Putin, military and diplomatic pressures mount

Putin recently vowed to press his attack on Ukraine but also faced concerns by India and China over the drawn-out conflict.
1 year ago
US news

Elon Musk thinks he can fix Twitter's advertising business after derailing it

Elon Musk on Tuesday offered an optimistic picture for how Twitter can improve the advertising business he helped derail and boost its bottom line while also admitting that keeping the social network running is proving to be a challenge after multiple rounds of layoffs.In remarks at a Morgan Stanley Conference, Musk laid out his vision to boost Twitter's core advertising business by adopting the standard strategy of most of the company's peers: improving the relevance of the ads it serves.
1 year ago
UK news

MPs call for China to be officially deemed a threat' to UK

China should be officially deemed a threat to the UK, with the countries' economic ties diluted to allow Britain to stand up for its values, MPs have said.But a potentially risky shift towards stronger language should be avoided unless the Government can commit to meaningful action, the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) warned.
1 year ago
Europe news

What happened in the Russia-Ukraine war this week? Catch up with the must-read news and analysis

Every week we wrap up the must-reads from our coverage of the Ukraine war, from news and features to analysis and opinion.A missile fell on the Polish village of Przewodow, landing a few miles from the Ukrainian border and killing two people on Tuesday afternoon.The incident marked the first time the territory of a Nato country has been struck during the near nine-month Ukraine war, raising global alarm that the war could spill into neighbouring countries.
1 year ago
UK politics

Putin should have come to face us, Rishi Sunak tells G20 leaders

Rishi Sunak has told the G20 that Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, should have been prepared to face world leaders at the summit, as Russia leaving Ukraine would make the single biggest difference to world affairs.At the opening session of the summit, attended by Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, the British prime minister used his address to condemn the Ukraine invasion and the targeting of civilians and warned world leaders about the threat it posed to the international order.
1 year ago
World politics

What Lula's Victory in Brazil Means for Climate

RIO DE JANEIRO  Brazilian voters on Sunday ousted President Jair Bolsonaro.In the closest election since the country's return to democracy in 1985, voters decided to bring back former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who made climate a cornerstone of his campaign.Brazil is ready to resume its leading role in the fight against the climate crisis, Mr. da Silva told supporters in his victory speech on Sunday.
The Independent
1 year ago
UK news

The Queen has 'gone home', thanksgiving service is told

A service held to remember the "long and happy reign" of Elizabeth II was told simply that the Queen has "gone home".
1 year ago
World politics

With the close of his Twitter deal, Elon Musk's geopolitical influence is set to grow.

In the past four weeks, Elon Musk has offered a peace plan for Russia and Ukraine that outraged Ukrainian officials.He has posted a tweet about Iranian internet access that exposed government protesters to a phishing scheme.He has also suggested in a newspaper interview that China could be appeased if it were given partial control of Taiwan.
1 year ago

This DevSecOps Thing Is Real After All

By: Alan Shimel on
Whether you made it to San Francisco, California last month for RSA Conference or not, you don't want to miss Tuesday's DevOps Connect: DevSecOps Virtual Summit.
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