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Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

How do I become a better manager?

Being a good manager involves supporting employees' growth and striving to bring out their strengths, focusing on meaningful work, learning opportunities, recognition, and autonomy. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

Employee Engagement Action Plan: The Complete Guide

An employee engagement action plan is crucial for creating a workplace where employees are emotionally invested and connected. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

Key Drivers Of Employee Engagement: The Complete Guide

Engagement drivers are crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 months ago
Remote teams

15 Employee Engagement Statistics For 2024: Insights And Trends

Engaged employees are happy, value their roles in achieving company goals and understand their impact on organizational success.
Improving workplace conditions, supporting developmental goals, and allowing individuals to use their unique strengths are essential for enhancing employee engagement. [ more ]
3 months ago

Recruiting expert shares why employees are less engaged today compared to the 2000s and it's on point

Employees are increasingly disengaged from their work and companies, regardless of the pandemic.
Employee engagement declined in 2023, with only 33% being engaged, showing a decrease compared to the pandemic peak of 40%. [ more ]
3 months ago

Axios Finish Line: Live better longer

Life is too short not to find meaning and satisfaction in work.
Identify and address root issues, play to strengths, and eliminate tasks causing dissatisfaction in work. [ more ]
2 days ago
Remote teams

The diminishing returns of in-office mandates

In-person collaboration doesn't significantly increase with more days in the office; quality over quantity is essential for workplace satisfaction. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

Employee Engagement Action Plan: The Complete Guide

An employee engagement action plan is crucial for creating a workplace where employees are emotionally invested and connected. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

Key Drivers Of Employee Engagement: The Complete Guide

Engagement drivers are crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 months ago
Remote teams

15 Employee Engagement Statistics For 2024: Insights And Trends

Engaged employees are happy, value their roles in achieving company goals and understand their impact on organizational success.
Improving workplace conditions, supporting developmental goals, and allowing individuals to use their unique strengths are essential for enhancing employee engagement. [ more ]
3 months ago

Recruiting expert shares why employees are less engaged today compared to the 2000s and it's on point

Employees are increasingly disengaged from their work and companies, regardless of the pandemic.
Employee engagement declined in 2023, with only 33% being engaged, showing a decrease compared to the pandemic peak of 40%. [ more ]
3 months ago

Axios Finish Line: Live better longer

Life is too short not to find meaning and satisfaction in work.
Identify and address root issues, play to strengths, and eliminate tasks causing dissatisfaction in work. [ more ]
2 days ago
Remote teams

The diminishing returns of in-office mandates

In-person collaboration doesn't significantly increase with more days in the office; quality over quantity is essential for workplace satisfaction. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
1 month ago
Data science

Should You Quit Your "Meh" Job? Or Is It Salvageable?

Decide if your job is mediocre or soul-crushing by assessing workplace toxicity, personal feelings, efforts, and enjoyment. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
3 months ago

Coming Soon: Season 7

Real-life executive coaching conversations on career challenges like burnout and role satisfaction.
Leaders find unexpected insights and actionable steps to move forward with an executive coach. [ more ]
4 months ago

I Felt More Lonely in the Office Than Working From Home

Working with a supportive and inclusive team can greatly improve job satisfaction.
Feeling valued and seen by colleagues can make a significant difference in how one feels about their job. [ more ]
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