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Voice of America
1 month ago
Remote teams

Remote workers quietly take 'workations' without telling the boss

Remote work has led to a rise in 'workations', with employees working from vacation spots without informing their bosses. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

Virgin Offers 'Work From Cruise' Workations for Remote Workers

Blurring work and leisure is beneficial for cruise liners and workers.
Workations trend is expanding beyond sea-based options. [ more ]
Voice of America
1 month ago
Remote teams

Remote workers quietly take 'workations' without telling the boss

Remote work has led to a rise in 'workations', with employees working from vacation spots without informing their bosses. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

Virgin Offers 'Work From Cruise' Workations for Remote Workers

Blurring work and leisure is beneficial for cruise liners and workers.
Workations trend is expanding beyond sea-based options. [ more ]
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