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Time Out New York
2 weeks ago

This interactive tapestry gallery honors today's most urgent resistance movements

Proceeds will support mutual aid efforts in Gaza and Sudan. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago
Women in technology

Taking Social Capital Seriously-Supporting Women Leaders of Color - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Building social capital is crucial for women of color to advance professionally and overcome systemic barriers. [ more ]
Fast Company
6 years ago

How These Black Founders Are Building Startups Without Investors

Venture capital remains a challenge for underrepresented minority entrepreneurs, with women of color facing significant barriers in accessing funding opportunities. [ more ]
5 months ago

Social Worker's Side Hustle Skyrockets to $300,000 in a Year | Entrepreneur

Dielle Charon, a former social worker, now runs a seven-figure online coaching business to help women of color achieve freedom and liberation.
She started her side hustle in 2018 and was inspired by her own story to help others build their businesses. [ more ]
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