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1 month ago
US news

Moose kills Alaska man attempting to take photos of her newborn calves

Cow moose with calves can be highly aggressive if humans get too close during calving season. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
New York City

Run fur your life! Licensed gun owner fires at raccoon that chased after him in NYC: video

A man in Queens shot at a raccoon in broad daylight, leading to concerns about wildlife safety. [ more ]
2 months ago
Chicago Bears

Briton mauled by bear after rolling down car window to take photo with it

A British tourist was attacked by a bear in Romania while trying to take a photo, highlighting the importance of keeping a safe distance from wildlife. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

'Mountain lion' seen on home video proves to be something else, California cops say

Residents mistook a large feline for a mountain lion, causing South San Francisco Police to issue an alert.
The large feline spotted on the fence turned out to be a 'Big Cat,' not a mountain lion. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Residents confusion as Birmingham canal turns green

Residents were confused after a canal turned bright green due to dye-testing for leak detection.
Canal & River Trust used harmless dye to identify leaks, ensuring safety for wildlife and easy detection of leaks. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 weeks ago
US news

Yellowstone bison gores 83-year-old while 'defending its space,' park says

Visitors must maintain safe distance from wildlife to avoid dangerous interactions. [ more ]
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