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1 month ago
Chicago Bears

Bears on the prowl in Slovak towns and villages DW 05/26/2024

Bears in western Slovakia village cause concern among locals. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Brothers did 'everything by the book' in mountain lion attack, California wildlife experts say

Mountain lion attacks are rare as they generally avoid interactions with humans.
Experts praised the victims for handling the encounter appropriately before it became hostile. [ more ]
3 months ago

9-Year-Old Mountain Biker Accidentally Runs Over Rattlesnake

Riding bikes in wildlife areas can be risky, especially encountering snakes.
Venomous snake bites can be fatal, so caution is necessary when biking in snake territory. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Want to See Bison at Yellowstone? You're Likely Not Prepared.

People need to respect the bison and give them space in Yellowstone National Park to avoid dangerous encounters. [ more ]
1 day ago
OMG science

Puffins, catfish and sea squirts: how to spot wildlife on the British coast

The Great British seaside offers diverse coastal species for wildlife enthusiasts to explore. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Bear shreds seats then dozes off after breaking into Canadian woman's car

A black bear with a penchant for upholstery foam caused vehicle break-ins in a Canadian town. [ more ]
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