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Washingtonian - The website that Washington lives by.
1 month ago
Chicago Bears

Everything You Wanted to Know About Urban Bear Sightings but Were Afraid to Ask, Because Who Wants to Get That Close to a Bear? - Washingtonian

Urban bears are appearing in cities due to young males dispersing during mating season and seeking their own territory near wooded areas. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

This wild orangutan used medicinal leaves to heal its wounds

Orangutan named Rakus self-medicates with medicinal plant pulp to heal facial wound. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 days ago
OMG science

Chimpanzees seen self-medicating with healing plants when sick or injured

Chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest were observed using a specific tree's bark for medicinal purposes, indicating self-medication behavior in wild primates. [ more ]
Mail Online
5 days ago
OMG science

Sick chimpanzees self-medicate using plants with medicinal properties

Chimpanzees in Uganda self-medicate with medicinal plants rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting a potential for discovering new drugs through studying their behavior. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

This wild orangutan used medicinal leaves to heal its wounds

Orangutan named Rakus self-medicates with medicinal plant pulp to heal facial wound. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 days ago
OMG science

Chimpanzees seen self-medicating with healing plants when sick or injured

Chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest were observed using a specific tree's bark for medicinal purposes, indicating self-medication behavior in wild primates. [ more ]
Mail Online
5 days ago
OMG science

Sick chimpanzees self-medicate using plants with medicinal properties

Chimpanzees in Uganda self-medicate with medicinal plants rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting a potential for discovering new drugs through studying their behavior. [ more ]
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