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New York Post
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's divisive, defeatist HBCU speech proves he has nothing to offer black voters

President Biden vows to tackle white supremacy and systemic racism in his commencement speech at Morehouse College. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

What Does It Take to Actually Cook Like a Tradwife?

Tradwife trend glorifies traditional homemaking and parenting roles. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

Former Ku Klux Klan leader's adult child comes out as trans

Former KKK leader's child comes out as transgender, highlighting support for transgender individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Like Germany's president, I love a good kebab. Cosying up to autocrats like Erdogan, less so | Fatma Aydemir

The popularity of kebabs in Germany is not a hindrance to white supremacy, as seen by the consumption by Nazis and the AfD's political support. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Los Angeles

He punched a journalist at a pro-Trump rally. A judge sentenced him to time served

Sentencing for a man linked to a white supremacist group for assaulting a journalist at a pro-Trump rally.
Judge criticizes selective prosecution of Rise Above Movement members. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Founder of violent California white supremacist group ordered freed after judge claims bias against far-right

Prosecutors dismissed charges against Robert Paul Rundo accused of establishing a white supremacist group.
Judge criticized the U.S. Attorney's Office for selective prosecution of suspected far-right groups over leftist groups like Antifa. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Charges against alleged white supremacists are tossed by a California judge for the second time

Charges against violent white supremacist group dismissed for the second time in five years due to selective prosecution.
Federal prosecutors accuse Rise Above Movement members of inciting violence at California rallies by organizing online and celebrating violence. [ more ]
1 month ago

Oklahoma voters recall white supremacist, reject supporters of Ryan Walters

Oklahoma voters recalled a white supremacist city council member in Enid.
Rejected school board candidates in Tulsa who backed a state takeover of schools. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

A White Nationalist City Commissioner Was Just Ousted By Voters in a Small Oklahoma Community

Judd Blevins, a city councilor in Enid, Oklahoma, who attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally was removed from office in a recall election.
Cheryl Patterson, a moderate Republican and former school teacher, defeated Blevins by a significant margin in a special election. [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

How Virginia Used Segregation Law to Erase Native Americans

The Racial Integrity Act of Virginia was enacted in 1924 to preserve white racial purity.
The Act aimed to erase the presence of Native people and reinforced a black-white racial binary. [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

The Director of 2024's Most Controversial Satire Addresses Its Biggest Criticisms

The trope of the 'magical negro' is dehumanizing and lacks depth in storytelling.
Filmmaker Kobi Libii aims to empathize with and critique the 'magical negro' trope in the film industry. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
3 months ago
Social justice

Black America as canary in coal mine of democracy - Harvard Gazette

Rise in white supremacy and birtherism impacting democracy
Erosion of voting rights and attacks on teaching about race and gender threaten democracy. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

What Is It About Black History That Frightens the Hell Out of the Far Right?

Carter G. Woodson established Black History Month to ensure the history of Black people was told.
Woodson believed that education for Black people should involve interrogation of white ideology and liberation of minds. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

Canadian Judge Rules the Killing of Four Muslims Was Terrorism

The deadly rampage was ruled an act of terrorism motivated by white supremacy.
This was the first terrorism finding in Canada against a far-right extremist. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

DOJ To Pursue Death Penalty Against Buffalo Supermarket Shooter

The Department of Justice will seek the death penalty for Payton Gendron, who killed 10 people in a supermarket in a racist attack.
Gendron livestreamed part of the attack on Twitch and wrote a manifesto expressing support for white supremacy. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Social justice

'White Fragility' author calling Michaelangelo painting of God 'white supremacist' is a new low

Robin DiAngelo criticizes Michelangelo's painting 'The Creation of Adam' as white supremacist
DiAngelo misidentifies the figures in the painting [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
3 months ago
Social justice

Bobby Bermea: A 'Spear' in the heart of racial reckoning

Smith and Nesbitt aim to center the conversation on white supremacy and the responsibility of white people to address it.
The play Spear explores the spiritual struggle of three young Irish men confronted with their own insecurities when a Black friend achieves international acclaim. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago
Social justice

Letters: Nikki Haley's remark about the Civil War wasn't a gaffe

Nikki Haley's refusal to acknowledge slavery as the cause of the Civil War was not a gaffe, but a deliberate attempt to please Confederate sympathizers and white supremacists.
Haley's refusal to denounce the Confederate flag as a hate symbol demonstrates her disregard for the racial implications and harm it represents. [ more ]
The Nation
4 months ago
US politics

The Cops Killed More People in 2023 Than They Had in Years

White support for police reform and inclusivity measures in the wake of George Floyd's murder quickly dissipated.
Meaningful police reform and anti-racist efforts have largely been abandoned or undermined. [ more ]
The Nation
4 months ago
US politics

The Cops Killed More People in 2023 Than They Had in Years

White support for police reform and inclusivity measures in the wake of George Floyd's murder quickly dissipated.
Meaningful police reform and anti-racist efforts have largely been abandoned or undermined. [ more ]
1 year ago
US news

How a Military Base's New Name Honors a Military Spouse and Mother

Fort Benning is now officially Fort Moore, the only U.S. base named for a married couple.Photographs and Text by Arin Yoon Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore commanded troops in the first major battle of the Vietnam War, a role depicted in a book and a movie.His wife, Julia, was a champion for military spouses and changed the way next of kin are notified when a service member is killed.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

UIC students protest conservative speakers Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

Students from the University of Illinois at Chicago protested a Turning Point USA college event Thursday evening at the UIC Forum featuring far-right speakers Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens.The pair spoke as part of the conservative organization's spring 2023 college tour.Andrea Daviera, a graduate student at UIC in the community psychology program, said she was taking part in the protest with about 100 other students because Kirk and Owens are "simply known for inciting and saying really bigoted things."
1 year ago
Media industry

Maine newspaper apologizes for running a redacted version of 'I Have a Dream' speech

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, addresses marchers during his "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Aug. 28, 1963.On Monday, his daughter Bernice King said, "My father's 'dream' wasn't palpable to the white masses, including politicians."
1 year ago

New Hampshire considers mandating cursive, communism history

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - Communism and cursive would be part of the mandatory curriculum in New Hampshire schools under a pair of bills harking back to bygone eras of history and handwriting.The House Education Committee held public hearings Wednesday on Republican bills to require that students be taught cursive writing, and receive at least one hour of instruction on the nature and history of communism.
The Nation
4 months ago
Social justice

The Cops Killed More People in 2023 Than They Had in Years

White support for police reform and inclusivity measures in the wake of George Floyd's murder quickly dissipated.
Meaningful police reform and anti-racist efforts have largely been abandoned or undermined. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Biden condemns white supremacy in campaign speech at church where Black people were killed

President Biden denounces white supremacy at the site of a deadly church shooting in South Carolina.
Biden's campaign is focusing on energizing Black voters amid concerns of losing support from this critical constituency. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden condemns white supremacy in campaign speech at church where Black people were killed

President Biden denounces white supremacy at the site of a deadly church shooting in South Carolina.
Biden's campaign is focusing on energizing Black voters amid concerns of losing support from this critical constituency. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire interrupt Biden speech in S.C.

Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza interrupted President Biden's speech in Charleston, South Carolina.
The interruption highlighted the deep divide among Democrats over the response to the Israel-Hamas war. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire interrupt Biden speech in S.C.

Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza interrupted President Biden's speech in Charleston, South Carolina.
The interruption highlighted the deep divide among Democrats over the response to the Israel-Hamas war. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire interrupt Biden speech in S.C.

Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza interrupted President Biden's speech in Charleston, South Carolina.
The interruption highlighted the deep divide among Democrats over the response to the Israel-Hamas war. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire interrupt Biden speech in S.C.

Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza interrupted President Biden's speech in Charleston, South Carolina.
The interruption highlighted the deep divide among Democrats over the response to the Israel-Hamas war. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

It IS an Appeal To White Supremacists!' CNN Anchor and Analysts Pile On Fascist Nazi' Trump Rally

Former President Donald Trump is facing criticism for using Nazi-echoing language and making incendiary comments about immigrants.
CNN anchor Jim Acosta and his panel discussed the appeal to white supremacists in Trump's remarks. [ more ]
#Amy Wax
Above the Law
6 months ago

Law Student Writes Dean To Complain Classmates Aren't Nicer To The White Supremacist On Campus

Professor Amy Wax is facing backlash and calls for her removal from Penn Law due to her controversial views and actions.
Students have protested and criticized Wax for inviting white supremacist Jared Taylor to campus and for her comments about students. [ more ]
Above the Law
6 months ago

Law Student Writes Dean To Complain Classmates Aren't Nicer To The White Supremacist On Campus

Professor Amy Wax is facing backlash and calls for her removal from Penn Law due to her controversial views and actions.
Students have protested and criticized Wax for inviting white supremacist Jared Taylor to campus and for her comments about students. [ more ]
moreAmy Wax
Above the Law
6 months ago

Law Student Writes Dean To Complain Classmates Aren't Nicer To The White Supremacist On Campus

Professor Amy Wax is facing backlash and calls for her removal from Penn Law due to her controversial views and actions.
Students have protested and criticized Wax for inviting white supremacist Jared Taylor to campus and for her comments about students. [ more ]
11 months ago
Music production

At Hip Hop For Change, Two New Creative Studios and a Seismic Shift

Since James' departure, Hip Hop For Change is now collectively helmed by Richardson, grassroots director Malina King, marketing and creative director Marc Stretch and grants manager Pallavi Kidambi.And the four of them were tight-lipped during our interview about the circumstances surrounding James' departure, saying only that the organization's board of directors hired an outside investigator to look into allegations about his leadership, which led to his removal.
1 year ago
France news

In Cannes, Scorsese and DiCaprio turn spotlight toward Osage Nation

It was well into the process of making Killers of the Flower Moon that Martin Scorsese realized it wasn't a detective story.Scorsese, actor Leonardo DiCaprio and screenwriter Eric Roth had many potential avenues in adapting David Grann's expansive nonfiction history, Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI."
1 year ago

Opinion: Book bans indicate we really don't want discussion in schools

Do you believe in discussion in our schools?Or do you want the schools to discuss just what you believe?That's the big question that all Americans need to ask themselves right now.And everything really, everything hinges on the answer.Witness two recent news stories, both involving book censorship.
1 year ago
UK news

Teenager planned far-right terror attack to accelerate race war' in Britain

A teenager who wanted to accelerate a race war in Britain has been convicted of planning a far-right terror attack targeting police stations in Newcastle.Luke Skelton, now 19, carried out hostile reconnaissance and wrote a manifesto and final note to spread his message after the attack.He denied preparing acts of terrorism in the year leading up to his arrest in October 2021, but was convicted by a jury at Teesside Crown Court on Tuesday.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Jonathan Zimmerman: Do we really want discussion in our schools? Book censorship indicates otherwise.

Do you believe in discussion in our schools?Or do you want the schools to discuss just what you believe?That's the big question that all Americans need to ask themselves right now.And everything - really, everything - hinges on the answer.Witness two recent news stories, both involving book censorship.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Editorial: In the New York subway chokehold death, we must force ourselves to wait for the facts

Can Americans for once wait for the actual facts?There are clear and dangerous signs of how the influence of social media and the tendency to see everything through an unbending ideological prism is hurting our access to, and understanding of, the truth.It's a pernicious problem, profoundly dangerous to our shared democracy and our mutual respect for the rule of law, and a matter about which far too few on the left, or the right, are speaking out.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

To Push Back GOP Extremism, Democrats Must Reinvest in Southern Communities

Whether a favored candidate wins or loses, our communities still need strong grassroots organizations.Election workers help voters cast their ballots for the state's Senate runoff election on Election Day in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 6, 2022.NATHAN POSNER / ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES After a mass shooting in Nashville took the lives of young children, educators and a school custodian, three legislators in Tennessee rightly raised their voices demanding commonsense gun reform.
1 year ago

James Bond novels still sexist despite revisions DW 03/05/2023

It's 70 years since British author Ian Fleming published the first James Bond novel: "Casino Royale".The book, published on April 13, 1953, introduced the world to British secret agent James Bond, code number 007, who would go on missions to defeat villains in a total of 14 books, which also served as the basis for a popular film franchise.
1 year ago

Here Are the 12 New Books You Should Read in October

Many of this month's best new books border on the surreal or otherworldly, transporting readers to settings slightly removed from our everyday realities.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Opinion | The Return of Combat Joe

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.Anyone can read what you share.
As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.
EverOut Portland
1 year ago

The Best Bang for Your Buck Events in Portland This Weekend: Feb 10-12, 2023 - EverOut Portland

We recommend showing up in your most loud-and-proud '80s threads (a second-hand raspberry beret, perhaps?) to celebrate the High Priest of Pop at this sparkly queer shindig and screening of Purple Rain.Lala Benét, Sheniqua Volt, and Umbruh will get the rhythm going with a funky pre-screening drag show.(Clinton
1 year ago
UK news

Far-right extremists discussed underground base in Lake District, court hears

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails The chief propagandist of a far-right extremist group discussed digging a tunnel in the Lake District as a base for their operations, a court has heard.Kurt McGowan, of Workington, Cumbria, was jailed for seven years at Preston Crown Court on Friday for four offences of collecting terrorist information and three counts of disseminating terrorist publications.
Nieman Lab
1 year ago
Media industry

Covering the right wrong

I've got good news and bad news.The good news is 2023 will be the year that journalists finally learn how not to cover right-wing extremism in the United States.The bad news?They'll learn by unwittingly bolstering its return to power in 2024.This past year has produced countless examples to fuel my pessimism.
1 year ago
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter executive accused of 'syphoning' $10M from BLM donors, suit says

(CNN)An executive at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (GNF), is accused of "syphoning" more than $10 million from donors, the grassroots arm of the BLM organization said a court filing this week.
1 year ago
UK news

Counter-terror report falsely claims no recent far-right attacks in UK

Officials have failed to correct a false claim in a major counter-terrorism report that there have been no far-right attacks in recent years.The Independent Review of Prevent concluded that the intervention scheme should be recalibrated to focus more on Islamists, rather than other ideologies that currently take up a greater portion of its work.
1 year ago

What is behind Ron DeSantis's Stop-Woke Act? | Cas Mudde

Florida governor Ron DeSantis has been grabbing national headlines with his relentless attacks on so-called woke.In addition to his Stop-Woke (Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees) Act, which prohibits educational institutions and businesses from teaching students and employees anything that would cause anyone to feel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress due to their race, color, sex or national origin, he has barred University of Florida professors from giving evidence against the state's voting law, claimed that professors at public colleges have no right to freedom of speech, and organizing a hostile takeover of the New College of Florida, one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Analysis | Raphael Warnock and Georgia's Long Campaign

Georgia's junior senator outside his office.(Photographer: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images North America)Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia works out of the Russell Senate Office Building, the oldest and most imposing of the Capitol buildings housing senators and staff.Built on a granite base with marble and limestone facing, the Russell's high-ceilinged, Beaux Arts corridors have the feeling of a Parisian boulevard - broad, grand, powerful.
1 year ago

Opinion | As a Child in Haiti, I Was Taught to Despise My Language and Myself

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.Anyone can read what you share.Give this article Give this article Give this article
1 year ago
NYC music

Opinion | The Exploitive Anti-Blackness of Kanye West

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.Anyone can read what you share.Give this article Give this article Give this article
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Report: 17 of 18 Pro-Democracy Bills Were Killed By Filibuster This Congress

Recent years have marked a period of deep uncertainty and danger for the health of American democracy, and a new report reveals one major reason why attempts to protect democracy could be failing: the Senate filibuster.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Lincoln statue in Chicago's Edgewater park defaced

A statue of young Abraham Lincoln was splashed with red paint on Thanksgiving Day with the words "COLONIZER" and "LAND BACK!" written below it in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood.The vandals also reportedly wrote "Dakota 38," in apparent reference to 38 Dakota Sioux who were executed on Lincoln's order following the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising.
LGBTQ Nation
1 year ago

Fox News host claims that Democrats want to "trans our kids"

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro has claimed that teachers nationwide want to turn kids transgender, an increasingly common right-wing claim that has set parents and anti-LGBTQ activists against public educators.In a recent installment of the Fox News talk program The Five, Pirro said that the midterm elections would continue a Democrat-led downward slide against free speech, aided by "Big Tech."
1 year ago
Music production

The Gripping 'Louis Armstrong's Black & Blues' Confronts the Artist's Complexities | KQED

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Louis Armstrong was a titan who never forgot his humble upbringings, and also a public figure who carefully assessed his own weight in the world.(Courtesy of Apple TV+)

Louis Armstrong made his first transatlantic voyage in July of 1932, sailing from New York City to Plymouth, England, aboard the ocean liner RMS Majestic.
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

Portland Playhouse Once Again Shines a Spotlight on Promising Short Films by Local Artists

There's something joyous about short films.
1 year ago

A reporter's memoir of her jail time gets banned in Florida prisons

One journalist's memoir of rehabilitation is being banned in Florida state prisons.Eric Francis/Getty Images When an author's book gets banned or confiscated, one might imagine that the writer might be frustrated, or even angry.But when Keri Blakinger received word that the Florida state prison system placed her book, Corrections in Ink, on a temporary ban, she tweeted, "Honestly, I AM SO PROUD."
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

Queen Latifah's End of the Road Is a Horror Movie about MAGA Country

End of the Road, starring Queen Latifah (Brenda) and Ludacris (Chris), has received a lot of bad reviews.
1 year ago
Music production

Jada Imani's 'Rosa Parks' is History with a Jazzy R&B Finish | KQED

The video for Jada Imani's " Rosa Parks " features black-and-white footage of civil rights-era marches spliced with modern-day shots of Imani sitting at a bus stop in West Oakland.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Antisemitic banners displayed at UC Davis prompt campus police investigation

The Sacramento Bee reported on the banners and said photos of the banners were shared on social media.
Davis Mayor Lucas Frerichs, in a statement posted on social media, said he was "disturbed" by the banners displayed over such a prominent overpass.
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