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3 weeks ago
European startups

Websites To Help You Find Remote Jobs In Europe This 2024

Job seekers can land remote jobs in Europe using specific websites. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Integrating Django templates with React for dynamic webpages - LogRocket Blog

Django and React can be integrated to create dynamic websites by leveraging Django's server-side capabilities and React's interactive user interface. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
4 months ago
Web design

Did Martin Scorsese's Super Bowl ad just prove the importance of web design?

Squarespace has enlisted Martin Scorsese to direct and star in their Super Bowl ad, which highlights the importance of having a website in today's digital culture.
The ad suggests that a website provides more credibility and the ability to effectively communicate a message compared to relying solely on social media platforms. [ more ]
The Drum
4 months ago

The European Accessibility Act: Will it help or hinder advertising creativity?

The new version of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) comes into force in June 2025, aimed at making products and services accessible for people with disabilities.
The legislation largely focuses on digital communications, particularly websites, and poses challenges for brands in balancing accessibility and design. [ more ]
The New Stack
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Drupal Creator: Websites Needed More Than Ever in the AI Era

Generative AI is seen as a threat to websites
Drupal's Dries Buytaert believes websites are still relevant [ more ]
5 months ago
Fashion & style

Not too tattie: what to wear for Burns Night celebrations

Takeaway 1: The article provides a list of various clothing and accessory items along with their prices and corresponding websites.
Takeaway 2: The list includes items such as jackets, jumpers, hats, bags, shoes, skirts, dresses, belts, and jeans. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Planes, trainers and automobiles: what to wear to travel

The article lists various clothing items with prices and their corresponding websites for purchase. [ more ]
5 months ago
Fashion & style

Not too tattie: what to wear for Burns Night celebrations

Takeaway 1: The article provides a list of various clothing and accessory items along with their prices and corresponding websites.
Takeaway 2: The list includes items such as jackets, jumpers, hats, bags, shoes, skirts, dresses, belts, and jeans. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Planes, trainers and automobiles: what to wear to travel

The article lists various clothing items with prices and their corresponding websites for purchase. [ more ]
5 months ago
EU data protection

Global data protection authorities plan privacy investigation

Global Privacy Enforcement Network investigation of websites with deceptive design models
Clarity of texts and design of interfaces will be judged to see if they are influencing harmful choices with personal data. [ more ]
5 months ago

Google to shut down Business Profiles websites | MarTech

Businesses using Google Business Profiles must create a new website using alternative tools before March 1 to maintain their own website.
Websites made with Google Business Profiles will be turned off in March, and visitors will be redirected to the Business Profile until June 10. [ more ]
The Penny Hoarder
6 months ago
Remote teams

22 Remote Side Hustles You Can Do From Home

Freelancing is a popular option for remote side hustles
There are several websites and resources to find remote side hustle opportunities [ more ]
7 months ago

Consumers On Guard: They Don't Trust AI - And Are Not Fond Of Email

42.60% of consumers see brand websites as the most valuable channel.
Only 7.59% of consumers prefer email as their most preferred marketing channel.
60% of consumers say AI recommendations would not convince them to buy. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 weeks ago
Web design

Seven key differences between web portals and websites - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

Understanding the distinctions between web portals and websites is essential for businesses to choose the suitable platform for their needs and objectives. [ more ]
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