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1 month ago
Web design

What Are the Top 10 Web Development Tools for Beginners?

Web developers design, code, and test websites using various tools and programming languages. The field is growing rapidly due to mobile device usage and E-commerce popularity. [ more ]
1 year ago
UX design


When GPT-4 was announced earlier this month, one of the demos made a massive splash: painting a web app on a napkin and getting the "AI" to create the HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make it work.This caused an avalanche of news items and blog posts calling "game over" for web developers and that soon all the work to build web products will be done by machines.
TNW | Code-Word
1 year ago

Starting out in software engineering? Don't bother learning React JS

React JS is a JavaScript framework with 10 years of maturity and a huge community supporting its growth and development.But you shouldn't learn it in 2022.Here's why.
1 year ago

- Top End Devs

The panel for this episode of Adventures in Angular is Alyssa Nicoll, Joe Eames, Lukas Ruebbelke, and Charles Max Wood.Special guest Aysegul Yonet is here to discuss WebVR and visualizations.
Read the Tea Leaves
1 year ago
Web development

Dialogs and shadow DOM: can we make it accessible?

Last year, I wrote about managing focus in the shadow DOM, and in particular about modal dialogs.
4 months ago
Web development

Web developers worry Apple iOS rule change poses problems

Web developers worry about complications in web application support due to Apple's commitments to meet Europe's Digital Markets Act.
The relaxation of the WebKit requirement by Apple has been long sought by web developers. [ more ]
Brad Frost
4 months ago
UX design

A Global Design System

A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of web experiences, save designers and developers time, and make better use of collective human potential.
Design systems have evolved over the years to create a library of common UI components that power an organization's digital products. [ more ]
Brad Frost
4 months ago
UX design

A Global Design System

A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of web experiences, save designers and developers time, and make better use of collective human potential.
Design systems have evolved over the years to create a library of common UI components that power an organization's digital products. [ more ]
Brad Frost
4 months ago
UX design

A Global Design System

A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of web experiences, save designers and developers time, and make better use of collective human potential.
Design systems have evolved over the years to create a library of common UI components that power an organization's digital products. [ more ]
Brad Frost
4 months ago

A Global Design System

A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of web experiences, save designers and developers time, and make better use of collective human potential.
Design systems have evolved over the years to create a library of common UI components that power an organization's digital products. [ more ]
Brad Frost
4 months ago
Web design

A Global Design System

A Global Design System would improve the quality and accessibility of web experiences, save designers and developers time, and make better use of collective human potential.
Design systems have evolved over the years to create a library of common UI components that power an organization's digital products. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
1 year ago

PyCharm 2023.3 EAP 2: Live Templates for Django Forms and Models, Support for Polars DataFrames | The PyCharm Blog

Early Access ProgramNews
The second Early Access Program build brings a bunch of features for both web developers and data scientists.Try new, time-saving live templates for Django forms, models, and views, as well as support for a super-fast Polars DataFrame library and initial GitLab integration.You can get the latest build from our website, the free Toolbox App, or via snaps for Ubuntu.
1 year ago

10 Hidden Attributes of the Element

As web developers, we often work with various HTML elements to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces.One of the most commonly used elements is the <input> element, which allows users to input data.While most of us are familiar with its basic attributes like type, value, and placeholder, there are several lesser-known attributes that can enhance our understanding and utilization of this versatile element.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

An Intro to Textual - Creating Text User Interfaces with Python - Mouse Vs Python

Textual is a Python package used to create cross-platform Text User Interfaces (TUI).This may sound like you'll be creating a user interface with ASCII-art, but that is not the case.Textual is quite advanced and allows you to add widgets to your terminal applications, including buttons, context switchers, scroll bars, checkboxes, inputs and more.
1 year ago

Web Workers: How Much Processing Power Can You Harness?

Have you ever used a computer program that seems to freeze or become unresponsive when it's doing a lot of work?That's because the program is busy with a lot of tasks, and it can't respond to user input until it's finished.Web workers are a way for web developers to prevent this problem from happening in web applications.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Google will assess AI-made pages on quality, not assume spam

Web content automatically generated by AI will be ranked according to its quality by Google Search, the internet titan confirmed this week, after previously suggesting it would blanket down-rank computer-created pages.Last year, Google Search Advocate John Mueller said using machine-learning tools to produce text is "essentially the same as just shuffling words around" to game Google's bots and artificially pump up a page's rank in search results.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Facebook Received User Data from Tax Filing Websites; China's Central Bank to Fine Ant Group Over USD$1bn - ExchangeWire.com

In today's ExchangeWire news digest: US tax filing websites have sent users' sensitive information to Facebook; Jack Ma's Ant Group is set to face a fine in excess of USD$1bn (~&pound;842m) in China; and the UK's CMA prepares to advance its investigation into Apple and Google's market power.Tax filing websites sent user data to Facebook
A number of US tax filing websites, including TaxSlayer, TaxAct, and H&amp;R Block have been quietly sharing their users' data with Facebook.
Auth0 - Blog
1 year ago

Integrate React Native and Spring Boot Securely

React Native is a mobile app framework from Facebook.It allows you to quickly develop apps using React's API and deploy them to iOS and Android.It allows you to quickly refresh the apps when you make changes and generally offers a pleasant experience for web developers.React Native for Web is a recent addition to the React Native family.
1 year ago
UX design

Badging for Home Screen Web Apps

Along with the many other features for web apps on iOS and iPadOS 16.4,WebKit now includes support for the W3C's Badging API.This straightforward API allows web developers to badge the icon of a web app.This article explores the various features of the Badging API and how to use it, and our ongoing collaboration with W3C's Web Applications Working Group to improve the specification.
1 year ago
UX design

Top Website Statistics For 2023

Seventy percent of small business websites lack a call to action, which can impact their ability to convert website visitors into customers.[20]A call to action is an important element in a website's design, as it prompts users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
1 year ago

How PWAs Are Changing the Mobile Landscape

A Progressive Web App, or PWA for short, is essentially a website that looks and feels like a mobile app.PWAs are built with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but they offer features that were previously only available to native mobile apps, such as offline support, push notifications, and the ability to be added to a user's home screen.
1 year ago
UX design

Try out CSS Nesting today

Back in December, we wrote an article detailing three different options for CSS Nesting.In it, we explained the differences between Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5, demonstrating how each would work through a series of examples.Then we asked a simple question: "Which option is best for the future of CSS?"
Web developers responded to the poll with great clarity.
1 year ago
Remote teams

WFH can get you 40% salary boost in UK and US tech jobs

A web developer is the tech role most likely to be offered to work from home and also gets 39 percent more pay for the arrangement than other jobs, according to research.Looking at six million data points from Glassdoor, the employer comparison service, HR software biz Remote found 31 percent of web developer jobs say they are remote-based followed by software engineers and translators.
1 year ago
UX design

Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting

The CSS Working Group is continuing a debate over the best way to define nesting in CSS.And if you are someone who writes CSS, we'd like your help.Nesting is a super-popular feature of tools like Sass.It can save web developers time otherwise spent writing the same selectors over and over.And it can make code cleaner and easier to understand.
1 year ago
UK news

Competition regulator launches investigation into Apple and Google duopoly'

The UK's competition watchdog is to launch a full investigation into the market dominance of Apple and Google in mobile services.The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said a consultation had found substantial industry concerns around the firms' dominance of mobile web browsers and that Apple restricts cloud gaming on its App Store.
1 year ago

Sharing Data Between Web Components Using Custom Events

As a native solution to bundling presentational logic into an &quot;entity&quot;, Web Components work great.They let you create complex HTML elements that can have rich behaviors thanks to the included JavaScript, and that you, as a user, don't have to worry about.However, they're straightforward if you're thinking about them as isolated elements.
1 year ago

Build a Landing Page Using the Most Used Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements in CSS

CSS styling is an essential part of creating an attractive and user-friendly website.One of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal are pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.This time, we are going to explore the importance of using these tools in CSS to improve the interaction and accessibility of our websites, as well as to give them a more sophisticated and professional look.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Salesforce spring 2023 release: The business executive's guide, part 1 | MarTech

The Salesforce Spring '23 Release Notes are out, with hundreds of new features.Sounds overwhelming, right?This two-part guide summarizes the 630 pages and the most notable updates.Part 1 covers commerce and content management features, specifically the new Lighting Web Runtime template and enhancements to Salesforce Payments and CMS.
Developer Tech News
1 year ago
Web design

iOS 16.4 supports web app notifications

Ryan is a senior editor at TechForge Media with over a decade of experience covering the latest technology and interviewing leading industry figures.He can often be sighted at tech conferences with a strong coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other.If it's geeky, he's probably into it.Find him on Twitter (@Gadget_Ry) or Mastodon (@gadgetry@techhub.social)
1 year ago
Web development

OpenJS World 2022 highlights what's new in web standards

Getty Images/iStockphoto
AUSTIN, Texas -- Web standards remain a significant pain point for web developers because standards change and idiosyncrasies like time zones can create serious headaches.
1 year ago
Web development

Google Chrome fights the power drain (again)

Google's code gremlins have been tweaking the company's Chrome browser under the hood to help Apple's MacBooks consume less power.Chrome has long had a reputation for being less than frugal when it comes to power consumption.These issues can arise from software design choices, bugs, and ill-behaved third-party extensions.
1 year ago

Use Generics in TypeScript to Improve Your Code

TypeScript is a popular programming language for web developers that offers several features to make web application development more efficient.One such feature is generics, which allows developers to create reusable code that can work with multiple types of data.In this article, we will explore what generics are, how they work in TypeScript and the benefits of using generics.
1 year ago
Remote teams

Working from home might be good for your wallet as well as your mental health

(Image credit: Shutterstock.com/ Master1305)
Working from home often pays more than working in an office for jobs in the tech industry, new research has claimed.HR company Remote collected data on more than six million jobs ads from 2022 from employee resource Glassdoor and found that web developer and software engineering roles had the most amount of remote opportunities compared to other professions, making up 37% and 36% of the total remote job market respectively.
1 year ago
Web design

Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker | CSS-Tricks

I was reading "Creative List Styling" on Google's web.dev blog and noticed something odd in one of the code examples in the ::marker section of the article.The built-in list markers are bullets, ordinal numbers, and letters.The ::marker pseudo-element allows us to style these markers or replace them with a custom character or image.
1 year ago

An overview of Deno's new Cache API support

With version 1.26 of Deno, the team released support for the Web Cache API, which provides an accessible way of storing Request and Response data for a certain amount of time.There are still some unimplemented features, but the release so far looks very promising.Let's take a look at what that means for you as a developer.
Speckyboy Design Magazine
1 year ago
Graphic design

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets That Celebrate Retro Computing

Everyone's computing journey had to start somewhere.And depending on when you booted up your first device, things have likely changed quite a bit.The latest hardware and software innovations may leave those early systems in the dust.But the fond memories never fade.Therefore, it's no surprise that web developers would continue to pay homage to the past.
Smashing Magazine
1 year ago
Web development

State Of CSS Survey: Influence The Future Of CSS - Smashing Magazine

The annual survey for anyone who writes CSS, State of CSS, is nearing the end of its response period for 2022.The survey is available in many different languages while all questions are optional, i.e. reaching 100% completion is not required.Please do make sure to join in - it will only take a few minutes.
Martian Chronicles
1 year ago
UX design

The joy of Variable Fonts: getting started on the Frontend - Martian Chronicles

If you're interested in translating or adapting this post, please email us first.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Getting started with Bun and React - LogRocket Blog

A JavaScript runtime environment allows a program to interact with the outside world by providing access to inbuilt libraries and objects.Simply put, a runtime environment is one in which your program can execute.Bun is a relatively new, fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.In this article, we'll look at some interesting facts about Bun, evaluate how it compares to other JavaScript runtimes, and see how to use Bun to bootstrap a React project.
1 year ago

Stop Using "any" Type in TypeScript

TypeScript is one of the most used programming languages among web developers.It has fantastic language features and allows you to design scalable applications easily.Hence, developers tend to choose TypeScript over JavaScript for their projects.However, there are some common mistakes we need to avoid when using TypeScript to get the maximum from its features.
Vue.js Feed
1 year ago

Vue School Launches Amazing Black Friday Early Bird Deals

If you've always wanted to learn Vue.js then now's your chance to level up your skills and save some bucks while you do so!Vue School has put together some great Early Bird deals for Black Friday, to bring you our BIGGEST sale of the year.Explore some of the best Vue courses in the world and take advantage of this opportunity to learn one of the most popular and in-demand frameworks and tools from our core team members and industry experts.
Vue.js Feed
1 year ago

The best Vue.js Black Friday deals in 2020

Black Friday is here, and it's the best time of the year to invest in your career!
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